Covid-19 Protocals & Information
COVID-19 Related Questions
1. Do you have a fever or have you experienced a fever within the past 14 days?
2. Do you live with anyone who has a fever or who had a fever within the past 14 days?
3. Have you or anyone you live with experienced a recent onset of respiratory problems, such as a cough or difficulty breathing with in the past 14 days?
4. Have you or anyone you live with experienced flu-like symptoms within the past 14 days, such as – cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle/body aches, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, or a recent lack of taste or smell?
5. Have you or anyone you live with traveled within the last 14 days or traveled outside the country with in the last 21 days?
6. Have you come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Business Hours
Monday | 8:30AM - 5:00PM |
Tuesday | 8:30AM - 7:00PM |
Wednesday | 8:30AM - 5:00PM |
Thursday | 8:30AM - 5:00PM |
Friday | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
Saturday | CLOSED |
Sunday | CLOSED |